Preparing for the Worst: Business-Continuity Planning for Sole Ow...

Contemplating one’s own demise can be challenging but is paramount to sole owners and their businesses. Consider the fictional ... Read More


3 Surprising Reasons to Offer a Subscription

You can now buy a subscription for everything from dog treats to razor blades. Music subscription services are booming as ... Read More


The Anatomy of a Successful Exit

Stephanie Breedlove started Breedlove & Associates in 1992 as a way to pay her nanny. The big payroll processors weren’t ... Read More


The Downside of Selling Someone Else’s Product

Are you tempted to re-sell someone else’s product to boost your topline revenue? On the surface, becoming a distributor ... Read More


Building Value is the Win-Win-Win of Exit Planning

In all likelihood, you are absolutely critical to the success of your business. Without you, there is no business. We ... Read More


How Three Moves Quadrupled the Value of this Business

Are you stuck trying to figure out how to create some recurring revenue for your business?  You know those ... Read More


Have You Discovered Your Recurring Revenue Model?

When it comes to the value of your business, what happened in the past is much less important than what ... Read More


Rich vs. Famous

Have you set a goal for your company this year? If you’re like most business owners, you’... Read More