The Capitalist Investor - Episode 148

Jamie Dimon is now ringing the recession bell suggesting that the economy will be in a recession within 9 months. This comes the same day that President Biden suggests that we have nothing to worry about in regard to the economy and if we do have a recession, it will very light and very small. What will actually happen? How deep will a recession be? All of this is discussed on top of news that some rail unions rejected the government package that gave a 24% raise to rail-road workers. What kind of precedent does this set? What’s happening over in Europe with pension funds? On the cancelled list this week, the Kansas City Chiefs are at the top of the list. All of this is discussed and more on this week’s “The Capitalist Investor” podcast.

  • [02:14] Jamie Dimon Calls for a Recession in 6-9 Months
  • [21:51] Rail Unions Rejects Government Deal
  • [27:12] Bank of England – Gives Pension Funds 3-Days to Re-Balance

Jamie Dimon Calls for a Recession

Jamie Dimon has been on fire recently. If you remember a couple of weeks back during the capitol hill hearings with major banks, Jamie Dimon got asked the question about what they were doing to promote clean energy & a cleaner environment. Essentially what Jamie Dimon said was that getting away from oil right now would lead America on the “Road to Hell”.

On top of that, yesterday he announced that he foresees a recession in the United States 6 Months – 9 Months away if the Federal Reserve keeps going down this path. The problem though in today’s world is the definition of a recession. Joe Biden tried to change the definition of a recession a couple of months ago and we are already technically in a recession. Did Jamie Dimon really mean that we are going to be in a much deeper recession within 9 months?

Rail Unions Reject Government Deal

Rail Unions were offered a deal by the government to stop their strike a couple of weeks back. Part of that deal was essentially a 24% raise to the rail-road workers. However, we just found out that some of the unions have rejected the government deal. Was this rejection part of a new psychology and precedent that the government has set over the past few years?

Unions were made to help make working conditions better for employees as well as provide a fair wage. But when is enough, enough? Also, how have expectations changed throughout the years? What will the government do next to try and solve the rail-road strike? Should they do anything that all? That’s the big question.

Bank of England Gives Pension Funds 3-Days

One of the big pieces of news this week that impacted the market quickly and fiercely is the news surrounding the Bank of England issuing a warning to pension funds giving them “3 days to rebalance”. Central banks around the world have been stimulating the economy for a long-time by increasing their balance sheet and keeping rates low. Now, central banks around the world are doing the opposite. They are raising interest rates and off-loading their balance sheet.

The Bank of England announced they were going to stop buying bonds to stabilize the market, hence, issuing the warning they were going to stop buying by the end of this week. What does this “warning” say about the overall market conditions? What does it say when central banks are trying to tell institutions how to invest and what they should invest in?

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Keep Listening to The Capitalist Investor:
Episode 1:
Capitalism vs Socialism
Episode 3:
Impact of a Bernie Sanders Presidency
Episode 4:
Coronavirus, Pandemics, and Your Money
Episode 2:
Is the Stock Market Overvalued?
Episode 5:
What We Consider A Smart Investment Strategy, Ep #5
Episode 6:
Why Investing In IPOs Is Not A Good Idea, Ep #6
Episode 7:
How a Joe Biden Presidency Will Impact Your Portfolio, Ep #7
Episode 11:
The Student Loan Problem: Is Capitalism to Blame? Ep #11