The Capitalist Investor - Episode 94

In this week’s episode, Derek and Tony dive into the crazy world of NFTs, or non-fungible tokens. In this two-part episode, the guys are joined by two special guests, NFT collectors Eric Spray and Ben Phillips. Eric is BAYC #8261 and commissioner of the BAFL, while Ben is an NFT investor and Head of Partnerships at The guys talk basics of NFTs but then jump right into discussing the pros and cons of investing in the space right now. Are NFTs really the future? Or is it a fad that will crash and burn? With more and more celebrities getting involved, and a lot of 101 Bored Apes selling for $24 million dollars, we decode how to try to make money in the wild west of NFTs.

You’re going to have some people that made millions and millions of dollars in crypto, and they’re moving a lot of it over to the NFT world and they know about this stuff, and they’re happy to help you with everything.

Eric Spray:
Twitter: @espray21

Ben Phillips:
Twitter: @_benxit

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